Saturday, February 15, 2020

Effective Teaching and Learning in the Primary School Essay

Effective Teaching and Learning in the Primary School - Essay Example Promoting the learning and achievement of pupils is a main aim of school education (TLRP, 2006). Teacher’s commitment to education and the insight reflection regarding teaching and learning process enables him to see the complexity involved in the process and only then he is able to discover the hurdles which learners face during the process. Readiness for implementation of different strategies for individuals and persistent research to overcome these bottle necks in the learning environment; increases the capacity of children to contribute in the contemporary society. A school’s curriculum consists of content which facilitates its students to learn and experience at a quality level. National curriculum not only provides with the same objectives to be achieved throughout the country, keeping in mind the age level; but also provides a platform where schools can produce their own curriculum according to need basis. The concepts to be learned are planned in such a way that they are integrated with social and moral values. Children learn civility and manners in this way as this is considered as a part of hidden curriculum. The purpose is clear for all to develop learning skills and enrich our children in such a way that they become a useful and constructive member of the future. Every child has a different learning style an effective teacher learns through experience and research that one strategy of learning might not fit for all. The groups of individuals in a class have learning potential but all of them possess different styles of acquiring them. Thus holistic development of a child does not only depend on contents of his curriculum but on the effectively applied strategies of an effective teacher. All over the world teachers, teach children writing styles through several ways. Children need different characteristics and styles from teacher to learn the specific trait. Learning how to write is a difficult process for children, where educators are required to link several skills together which matches the child’s comprehension and learning style. The problem becomes quite clear describing the characteristics of an effective teacher, who is able to foresee the hurdles in the process and therefore is ready with a plan to overcome these challenges. Learning how to write can be a distressing problem in a child’s personal and educational life. If a child is unable to develop certain basic skills during his schooling, later on further stages he will be unable to compile his thoughts into writing and will be unable to express what he learnt. Different subjects require students to show their learning through writing and even in exams they are supposed to write what they learnt in the session. Children who face such problems feel difficult to cope up and thus are discouraged easily. The process of writing itself becomes a challenge providing minimum help. This problem is interlinked with several other areas of learning w hich in turns slows down the holistic development of a child. Children, who are inattentive and impulsive, face difficulty to start with writing tasks, are easily distracted, get bored or tired quickly, show lack of interest in writing, write in improper font, make careless spelling mistakes and are less interested in organizing writing tasks. Children, who face spatial order problem have poor sense of line on paper, uneven space between letters and

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